Financial Statement Analysis
Financial statement analysis is the process of reviewing and analyzing an organization’s financial statements to make better economic decisions. It is very important for an individual in an organization to be able to identify trends that might be apparent in the company’s statements as it reveals the financial position the company is currently in. Through this, companies can decide on the appropriate actions/decisions to be taken when evaluating the risks, performance and financial health of an organization. These decisions could determine the success/ failure of any organization.
Course highlights:
- Major analysis to be made
- “Big three” – Balance sheet, Income statement and cash flow statement
- Methods of Analysis
- The Financial Statement Analysis Report
This course will benefit:
Anyone who is involved in finance, client servicing and tending to client accounts would benefit from it
Course Duration: 1 hour (60 minutes)Course Fee: $40.00 Per User / Year
For volume license purchase, please reach us at for a proposal.
* Course User Licenses are issued for a one year period and are to be renewed annually